
Monster Buster Club Episode 43 - Famous Four (Part Two)

Famous Four (Part Two)
A lot of terrible consequences happened after the MBC is revealed to everyone. Sam and Danny goes into the past to warn their past selves and head to Cathy's house to get Mark's camera. At the present time, Cathy and Chris are trying to stop the alien invaders.

Episode Title (in French): Règle 43 : Défendre la Terre 2ème Partie / Rule 43: Defend the Earth Part Two

Written by - John Derevlany
Head Writer  - Al Schwartz
Storyboard by - Alex Urmann
Executive Producer -  Charles Henri Moarbes

Cathy, Past Cathy - Andrea Libman
Danny, Past Danny - Matt Hill
Sam, Past Sam - Anna Cummer
Chris, Past Chris - Sam Vincent
Mr. Smith - 
Mark, Roy -  Ian Corlett 
Principal Rollins - Sonja Ball
Galactic Commander - Rick Jones
Ralph -

  • Looks like the residents in the alternate future hide themselves against the Spoilers.
  • Watch out for Principal Rollins as she beats many Spoiler ships using her strength. She also confesses that she has a crush on Mr. Smith (at least, it's on the alternative time line)
  • Even though the Galactic Commander is in higher position of MBC, he can't fight without his backup.
  • Sam says to her past self that she received a snorkeling gear on her 6th birthday.
  • Elton is mentioned by Cathy.
  • When Cathy says "Zeewa" while her right eye is closed, that means "great". If she says the same thing but closes her left eye, that means "Oh no!"
  • How to time travel using the secret tunnel's time tube? - Make the MBC pod spin three times, with a double twists and one-and-a-half flips.
  • The only event that never changed in this episode is that the principal visits Mr. Smith's house.