
The Monster Buster Club Alien Archives

Welcome to the Monster Buster Club Alien Archives! The Monster Buster Club has a collection of many information about different aliens, especially criminals in the entire galaxy. Those information are stored in MBC's supercomputer, which it can be only found in the club house.

In this page, this will provide you an in-depth look of all aliens that Monster Buster Club encountered. Every alien contains their own abilities, species, body types, and their weaknesses. Click any of the names of the aliens to see their information. Warning: All of these aliens may reveal some spoilers about the show.

The names with question marks (?????) are unavailable because I have to find out the other names of the aliens. There are also names which have incorrect spelling or information. This page is under construction, but you can see the contents.

#02 - Mr. Smith

#07 - Zarb

#10 - Tina

#11 - Gluten

#16 - The Flying Dutchmen

#17 - ????? (from the episode "World's Toughest Kid")

#23 - Gilbert

#26 - Speedy

#27 - Dingle

#31 - Robot 

#32 - Moppy

#33 - Nix 

#34 - Chomper

#35 - Proskar

#36 - Herptilius

#37 - Outcraker

#38 - Zeborp

#39 - Fooch 

#41 - ????? (from the episode "New Recruits")

#48 - Reptilian

#50 - Alcascythe

#51 - Veedy

#52 - Doudo

#53 - Crunger

#54 - Agar

#56 - Grevlack

#57 - Dweeperd

#58 - The Spoilers

#59 - Mimi

#60 - Nova

#61 - Mr. Bigshnel

#63 - Moochie

If you know the names of the aliens I've missed, e-mail me.